About Us

Ak Digital World is a startup that provides all online services as well as packages to boost and promote business online as the best seo company in noida. From making a website to doing social media marketing you will find all services under one roof.

Who Are We

AK Digital World stress upon providing all online services to new as well as old business houses. In this Era, where everything is available online we feel each and every small business also need to come online and increase the reach and customer. That’s why we have all business promotion services here with us.

Our Mission

The mission of this startup is create online awareness and help all type of business (small, big, startup, established etc) operate their business online. Our main aim is to make business owner understand the importance of coming online and help each entrepreneur to grow and expand quality business in minimum cost.

What We Do

As stated above we are into providing all online services from bringing business online to promoting it. Following is the list of services provided:

Our 6-D Process



In this changing time where everything is moving at such a fast speed, we are having our main focus on new opportunities and searching all medium by which business can get huge growth and pace. We are in continuous research for finding new channels by which businesses can get promoted.



Having an idea only is not enough but that idea should be put it on paper also. After doing research and understanding the need of the client we try to define the ways to achieve the things we thought by providing different services like social media marketing, digital marketing, etc.



Although we are startup but our team is well qualified in their work. We do each and every task with 100% effort. Whether it is designing a website or design any ad or promoting it on social media we do it keeping in mind all the do’s and don’ts of the Marketing tactics and the kind of business and products involved.



In development, we develop a wireframe version of your new website or developing a step-by-step plan for your social media marketing websites. We have options for making customized websites for clients. We understand that one thing can work for one business and cannot work for another so that’s why we believe in flexible development of websites and other things.



Before completion of the work firstly we perform a quick test to check whether everything is at right place .
We deploy a live version of your solution so that you can see first-hand how the solution will work, honk the horn, and ring the bells.
At this stage, the solution will be in greyscale, so as not to confuse you with the complex details, but to let you see how it works in real-time.



This is the last step but very important.
Once we are satisfied that you are delighted with your new solution, and only then, will we hand you the keys.
But we don’t just hand you the keys and let you drive off into the sunset, we will work with you so that you and your staff are all completely familiar with the solution, and are happy to recommend us to your friends!

Why Choose Us?

We believe in doing rather than saying. We providing best web designing services and best seo company in noida. The whole team of AK Digital World takes any project and work with whole dedication.
For us customer satisfaction matters a lot. We just don’t want to do business but also to make a chain of happy and satisfied clients. We work in real-time and provide customized services to the clients.

The graphics and design which we create are new, trendy and fit according to the need of the client. Design work as backbone so we keep a check on the emerging new designs and provide all updated designs to the clients that you won’t regret.

As stated earlier that we believe and want to attain maximum customer satisfaction and for that we provide 24/7 support . Regarding any doubt, questions, suggestions, changes we are always available for our clients. We address all issues in real-time.

We work on 6-D process. So from starting to the end we plan out things accordingly and focus on the things that the client get maximum benefit from our services. All a of our projects are result oriented and planned in such away to provide monetary assistance to the client.

It is truly said that in building any organization it’s the mixed efforts of the people working in that organization. The same thing is with us. Here we work as a team. Each and every person is well known with their roles and responsibilities and hence work accordingly. Supporting and guiding each other is a system which we follow.

ROI tries to directly measure the amount of return on a particular investment, relative to the investment’s cost. While doing any Ads, promotion ,marketing on different platform we also have different ROI techniques to check and measure how much is the success rate and what is the outcome of all the activities done by us.

In designing website or in doing web development a specific kind of professional skills are required. Moreover, in doing promotion activities or doing digital marketing also professional people are required. That’s why we have a full fledged team of people for different work who are trained professionally and doing this from long time.

Some Numbers

The success of any organization is measured by the happy and satisfied clients that Organization attains. So here are some numbers which shows are work better than words:

1 +
Satisfied Clients
100 +
Projects Completed
100 +
Team Members

Would you like to start a project with us?

Want to develop new business or not getting enough leads or thinking of promoting your products on different social media platforms. If you want such services for your business what are you waiting for?
Connect with AK Digital World and start your journey to bring your business online and attain advanced reach.

Let's Talk

Our doors are always open for discussion. We know how important chit chatting is and you all are always welcome for any doubt, inquiries or suggestions feel free to contact us.


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